Geluidsflitser tegen aso auto’s
Welke stad heeft er niet mee te maken? Klachten over hard optrekkende en getunede auto’s en motoren die met een hoop lawaai langs terrassen en
Welke stad heeft er niet mee te maken? Klachten over hard optrekkende en getunede auto’s en motoren die met een hoop lawaai langs terrassen en
Traffic noise is a major source of environmental pollution in Europe, affecting the health and quality of life of millions of people. Noise levels vary across countries, depending on their regulations and standards. There are ways to reduce traffic noise, such as using quieter vehicles, enforcing noise limits with sound sensors and monitoring noise levels with smart devices. People who live in noisy areas can also protect themselves by using a sound camera to find and seal air leaks in their homes.
Millions of Europeans suffer from the effects of traffic noise, which is a serious form of environmental pollution. Different countries have different noise limits and laws, which affect the noise levels in their cities. Traffic noise can be lowered by using vehicles that make less noise, using sound sensors to enforce noise regulations and using smart devices to measure noise levels. People who are exposed to high levels of traffic noise can also use a sound camera to locate and fix air leaks in their homes.
In Austin we met with TU/ecomotive to work on our joint mission: reducing noise pollution. We started with visualizing the sound from the car ZEM and…
Sorama and Axis Communications signed a strategic partner contract to make American cities safer and quieter. The signing of the contract and meeting with the Queen took place…
Milestone Systems & Sorama are partnering; a strong collaboration which enables a solution that provides acoustic insights directly on the Milestone surveillance platform.
Sorama is featured in the Top 250 growth companies for the second year in a row.
Akron NV and Sorama are proud to announce a new distribution partnership for the Benelux market.
An acoustic camera is used to visualize sound. Imagine you hear a sound, but you don’t know exactly where it is coming from. If you would point an acoustic camera to it, you see circles on the screen that show you where the sound comes from. There are many different reasons why…
Sorama and Axis Communications are launching an innovation that will make town centers safer and quieter: the Noise Camera. The solution proved to be able to detect, identify and locate noise pollution.
On 15 and 16 March, Sorama will present our smart stadium solution for those who are looking for a way…
Sorama has become a member of the Coast to Coast Foundation to promote acoustic camera solutions and expand their operations to the USA
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