Bright Insights: 1st Place!

“Bright Insights“ no. 1 solution for the ring road of Eindhoven!

Last August, Sorama, Vinotion and Omines presented their Smart City solution Bright Insights for Jouw Licht op 040 to improve the safety and quality of life for the commuters and citizens around the ring road of Eindhoven.

After the votes of the citizens of Eindhoven have been counted and together with the scores of the professional jury, consisting of representatives from the municipality of Eindhoven, Heijmans, Signify and TU/e, we’re proud to say that Bright Insights has been selected to go forward in realizing this innovative solution for the Ring of Eindhoven.

  1. Bright insights
  2. Smart Traffic
  3. LEDConnect
  4. Sens my Ring
  5. Bikescout
  6. Pamares
  7. Licht up groen

Bright Insights is a solution that combines smart cameras and acoustic sound cameras to collect relevant information at crossroads. With this information the municipality gains valuable insights to improve the traffic flow and the quality of the Ring of Eindhoven. In case of accidents, emergency service units can arrive faster. Also, an app will give local residents real-time insights into noise levels, the traffic situations and these reports can be linked to their own experiences.

Taipei City

Earlier this year, Sorama has signed an agreement with the Department of Transportation Taipei in Taiwan. Sorama will install their acoustic sound cameras at an intersection in Taipei City to signal accidents in an early stage and map sound pollution.

In a Memorandum of Understanding, the Department of Transportation Taipei and Sorama have agreed on testing the acoustic cameras for a year on a busy intersection where many accidents happen. The traffic center wants to signal the accidents happening at an early stage to be able to directly make improvements. Mapping sound pollution makes it possible to increase safety and the quality of life in the direct surroundings of the crossroads.

