I found the source of my sound issue, now what? 

Root cause analysis is a pivotal step in your acoustic design process

Being a product designer is a challenging role, requiring you to balance the aesthetics and functionality of your product to ensure a pleasant user experience. Acoustic performance is crucial in distinguishing a good design from a great one. So, what steps should you take once you’ve identified the cause of unwanted noise in your product? 

Root cause analysis is a pivotal step in your acoustic design process – If you want to go from A to B you first need to know what A is. However, the real value is created when we use this information to iterate on our design, reducing unwanted noise. 

So how do we do that? We apply the Source-Path-Receiver principle:

Step 1: Remove the source 

The most effective way to eliminate unwanted noise is to remove the source. For example, is your issue caused by a faulty component that creates or leaks noise? Replace the component! Are there other ways to remove the source without impacting your product’s functionality?

Step 2: Change the sound path

Unfortunately, removing the noise source isn’t always an option. If an integral part of your product is causing unwanted noise, your best approach is to change the sound path. Can you separate certain components to stop vibrations from spreading? Perhaps, you can physically connect the points on the vibrating part that are moving in opposite directions. This can help them cancel each other out, making the vibration and noise weaker. Additionally, you might consider adding or removing mass to alter the material’s plate mode, preventing it from amplifying your sound source.

I found the source of my sound issue, now what?  - sound issue -

Step 3: Add dampening material 

If radically changing the design is too costly or time-consuming, you could try adding dampening materials. While this won’t stop your product from vibrating unintentionally, it can help catch those vibrations before they reach the user, therefore improving the overall experience. 

Finding the right solution to your sound issue might come with challenges, especially in a corporate setting. Limited access to rapid prototyping or uncertainty with new components can complicate things. However, the Source-Path-Receiver method can help when you are in a tight spot. Keep working on improving your product’s acoustic performance to provide users with the best possible experience. 

Written by Willemijn Mattheij

Team Lead & Product Owner Sustainable Products
