
Microfoon Array

This blog is useful for users who are interested in technical details of sound imaging.
With the insights we share, you will have a better understanding of the physical layout and size of a microphone-array.
This will particularly help you in selection of hardware and understanding the results of a recording.

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Detection of sound leakages

This blog is useful for developers and installers of separation walls, seals, doors, windows and more.
With the insights we share, you will have a better understanding of detection acoustic leaks.
This will particularly help you in the working method to get fast and accurate results.

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Spectral Analysis, your spectrum of frequencies

This blog is useful for acoustic engineers and managers.
With the insights we share, you will have a better understanding of a frequency spectrum and detection of peak-frequencies in the environment.
This will particularly help you in performing effective beam-forming or far-field analysis.
It also helps explaining frequency-related issues to less experienced people.

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Spectrogram Analyse Waterfall Diagram

The Spectrogram is a time-frequency diagram.

The X-axis of the spectrogram displays the time from left to right. The Y-axis of the shows frequencies.
The colours in the spectrogram represent the intensities of a frequency at a certain time. An intense colour means a strong pressure of that frequency was recorded at that point in time.

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