
Traffic noise is one of the most common noise complaints. Therefore, reducing traffic noise can have a large impact on the livability within cities. Using Sorama’s nosie monitoring system as a car nosie detector, allows you to detect loud vehicles and visualize the noise issue.

Our Loud Vehicle Detection solution for smart cities, also called the noise camera, improves road safety and makes urban traffic quieter.

loud vehicle detection with acoustic cameras
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De Geluidsflitspaal monitort continue op verkeerslawaai van bijvoorbeeld auto's en motoren area’s that cause high levels of traffic noise. It creates valuable insights into the source of traffic noise and actionable data to reduce noise pollution in cities and improve livability.

The ‘noise camera’ or road noise solution is the product of a close collaboration between Sorama and Axis Communications. By combining Axis’ smart IP-cameras and Soramas L642 Acoustic Monitors, the solution proved to be able to detect, identify and locate vehicles that produced high noise levels and is now helping to reduce road noise globally.

The data of this road nosie solution can be forwarded to local authorities for further enforcement. With the gained insights municipalities can have a proactive approach in making city traffic safer.

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Geluidsflitspaal use case voorbeelden

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Detecteren van luidruchtige auto's

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Classificatie elektrische voertuigen

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Voertuigen tellen

Hoe werkt het?

loud vehicle detection, acoustic camera detecting noisy car and registering the number plate
The police department immediately gets notified that the vehicle exceeded the legal noise limit.
The police department can take action, by sending a warning or a fine to the vehicle's owner.

1. The acoustic camera pinpoints the loud car and registers the plate, noise level, and location.

2. Law enforcement immediately receives a notification that a vehicle exceeds legal noise limits.

3. Further action can be taken, by creating awareness through sending a warning or a fine to the vehicle’s owner.

Loud vehicle detection - loud vehicle detection -

VMS Integratie

De L642-serie is verbonden en wordt bediend via het gratis Listener Platform Dashboard. Het biedt een gebruiksvriendelijke interface voor installatie en configuratie en geeft inzicht in geluidsdrukniveaus en klantconfigureerbare geluidsevents.

Om het volledige potentieel van de Loud Vehicle Detection van de L642 te benutten, integreert u het in uw videobeheersoftware voor een alomvattende verkeersbeheeraanpak.

Ons product voor de Geluidsflitspaal

Sorama L642 acoustic monitor

L642 Acoustic Monitor

De Sorama L642V Akoestische Monitor vormt de basis van de nachtlevenmonitoringoplossing. Hij is uitgerust met 64 MEMS-microfoons en een geïntegreerde camera.

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