Gedeeltelijke ontlading

Partial discharge poses a grave threat, causing insulation failure and potential explosions*. This endangers employees and damages infrastructure, leading to costly outages. Early detection of partial discharge using acoustic cameras benefits your pre-emptive maintenance plan, enhancing safety, efficiency for repair teams and cost reductions.

*ATEX certificering verwacht

Partial discharge detection in Ex-zones
Sorama's acoustic cameras for the energie & utilities market enable early detection of any partial discharge activity mogelijk door ultrasone signalen vast te leggen die tijdens het ontladingsproces worden uitgezonden.

The acoustic camera provides real-time visualization of partial discharge events, allowing maintenance personnel to precisely locate the source of the discharge within equipment or electrical assets.

 This enables targeted maintenance interventions, reducing downtime and optimizing repair efforts.

Door gedeeltelijke ontladingen tijdig te identificeren en te verminderen, verbetert het gebruik van akoestische camera’s de algehele veiligheid op de werkplek door de kans op apparatuurstoringen en bijbehorende veiligheidsrisico’s te verkleinen.

Voor meer informatie kunt u onze factsheet (pdf) voor Energie & Nutsvoorzieningen downloaden.

Monitoring solution

Operating in Ex-zones brings safety challenges for maintenance and operations crews. Sorama’s L642Ex fixed partial discharge solution allowes you to remotely monitor your most distant locations for any partial discharge activity.
Integrating the partial discharge monitoring solution to your maintenance management system will inform you about detections as soon as they occur. Allowing you to plan maintenance accordingly.

Partial discharge monitoring for energy & utilities

Verminder kosten, verlaag down time en boost veiligheid

Download het Sorama Ex-zones eBook

Partial discharge detection - partial discharge -
Fixed partial discharge

Benefits of Partial Discharge Detection

  • Early Detection: Acoustic cameras can detect partial discharge activity at its earliest stages by capturing ultrasonic signals emitted during the discharge process. This allows maintenance teams to intervene promptly before the situation escalates
  • Location Identification: The acoustic camera provides real-time visualization of partial discharge events, allowing maintenance personnel to precisely locate the source of the discharge within equipment or electrical assets. This enables targeted maintenance interventions, reducing downtime and optimizing repair efforts.
  • Quantitative Assessment: Acoustic cameras can quantify the intensity and severity of partial discharge events, providing valuable data for risk assessment and prioritization of maintenance activities. This helps in making informed decisions regarding asset management and maintenance scheduling.
  • Safety: By identifying and mitigating partial discharge events promptly, the use of acoustic cameras enhances overall safety within the workplace by reducing the likelihood of equipment failures and associated safety hazards.

Our products used for Partial Discharge Detection

Sorama CAM iV64Ex

The Sorama CAM iV64Ex handheld acoustic camera is explosion-proof and can detect, localize and visualize partial discharge, gas, air and steam leaks enabling advanced predictive maintenance.

Deze camera is ideaal voor verificatie en gedetailleerde akoestische inspectie, wat zorgt voor een betere veiligheid en lagere emissies.
Sorama Cam iV64Ex acoustic imager camera
SoramaL642Ex acoustic camera

Sorama L642Ex

Het Sorama L642Ex-systeem bestaat uit het Listener-softwareplatform en de L642 Acoustic Monitor. Sorama L642 Akoestische monitoren Akoestische monitor.

Dit explosieveilige apparaat maakt betere lekdetectie, gedeeltelijke ontladingsmonitoring en mechanische inspectie mogelijk in onbemande Ex-zones.

Wilt u meer weten?

Ons team staat graag voor u klaar. Samen bespreken we uw situatie en helpen u bij het vinden van een geschikte oplossing. Neem contact met ons op of plan direct een (online) live demo.

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