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Sorama Portal Maintenance/January 22nd 2024

The Sorama Portal will shortly be offline on January 22nd, 10:00 CET due to scheduled maintenance. If this timeslot is inconvenient for your operations, please let us know. 
We’ve made some changes to the Sorama Portal in order to improve your experience. Here’s what’s new: 

Features and improvements 

  • ‘Sound Transmission Class’ has been added to the report types that can be exported from the CAM iV64 
  • Analysis presets have been added in the Industrial mode for ‘Pumps’, ‘Partial Discharge’, ‘Leaks’ and ‘Bearings’ 
  • .SOR files can now be stored and accessed through a device’s local storage 
  • Computations and cache storage have been optimized to increase the loading speed of generic analysis types



  • An issue in the Management workflow where the distance set on the CAM iV64 did not appear in the metadata of a measurement has been solved 
  • An issue in the Management workflow where you could not see local measurements when selecting an empty project has been solved 
  • An issue in the Management workflow where measurements could not be transferred to other projects has been solved 
  • An issue in the Stream workflow, Spectrum Module where the 1/1 and 1/3 Octave Bands were not showing has been solved 
  • An issue in the Analysis workflow, Spectrogram Module where it was not possible to create a new time range has been solved 
  • An issue in the Analysis workflow, Far Field Module where it was not possible to create a new probe has been solved 
  • An issue in the Analysis workflow where the analysis modules were not properly linked has been solved 
  • An issue in the Analysis workflow, Spectrogram Module where the X-axis did not display the correct weighting has been solved 
  • An issue in the timeline where the timestamp was off by two hours has been solved 
  • An issue in the RT-60, SLR and SRI reports where the layout did not appear correctly has been solved 
  • An issue where the ‘Help’ section was not showing on FireFox has been solved 
  • An issue where STC measurements from the CAM iV64 were not being recognized as STC measurements has been solved 


Sorama Acquisition Service 

The changes require an updated version of the Sorama Acquisition Service. In order to use the new features you will need to install the latest version, available through the ‘Services’ tab in the Portal. 
The Sorama Portal will shortly be offline on January 22nd, 10:00 CET. Please contact us if this time is inconvenient for you. 
We hope you will enjoy the new improvements and, as always, we appreciate your feedback! 


The Sorama Portal will shortly be offline on October 12th, 10:00 CEST due to scheduled maintenance. If this timeslot is inconvenient for your operations, please let us know. 
We’ve made some changes to the Sorama Portal in order to improve your experience. Here’s what’s new:


  • Industrial Workflow mode has been added in the mode picker in order to improve the experience for Industrial users. 
  • Export of Partial Discharge and Leak Detection reports has been added in the Industrial Reporting Workflow. 
  • CAM iV64 Computation mode has been added in the Analysis Workflow – Spectrum module in order to calculate the SPL levels more closely to the device. 


  • An issue in the Manage workflow where CAM iV64 measurements with directional listening could not be uploaded to the Portal has been solved. 
  • An issue in the Analysis workflow where it said that there are no measurements in the selected project, while it was actually still loading has been solved. 
  • An issue in the Analysis workflow – Spectrum module wherein the ‘Harmonic Peak’ option did not correctly detect peaks has been solved. 
  • An issue in the Manage workflow wherein projects uncorrectly appeared as empty has been solved. 
  • An issue in the Presentation workflow wherein timeline entries were not being added to the presentation has been solved 
  • An issue in the Manage workflow where measurements could not be imported using the File Explorer window has been solved

Sorama Acquisition Service 

The changes require an updated version of the Sorama Acquisition Service. In order to use the new features you will need to install the latest version, available through the ‘Services’ tab in the Portal. 

The Sorama Portal will shortly be offline on October 12th, 10:00 CEST. Please contact us if this time is inconvenient for you. 

We hope you will enjoy the new improvements and, as always, we appreciate your feedback! 

Missing a feature?
Let us know!

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