Sorama introduces 1024 channel sound acquisition: Sorama Cam

Sorama introduces the 1024 channel Cam version of their proven sound imaging technology. With its lowest per-channel cost of the industry it brings acoustic holographic analysis within a price range that is unheard of. 

Together with a user-friendly web-based Portal it lowers the threshold for low-level noise and vibration analysis in a wider range of products and domains. The large number of microphones offers additional benefits over our other offerings like faster measurements, global noise source localization by beam forming and detailed sound imaging in one product. Add to this a higher immunity for background noise and measurements can even be performed outside of anechoic chambers.

Sorama is currently looking for parties with which to enter a pilot period to be the first to use the Cam and perfect our user friendly Portal 2.0 software. Merford Noise Control (Gorinchem, NL) is the first party with whom Sorama has signed an agreement (see article) and discussions are pending with multiple other parties in different market segments. Pilot conditions are very attractive and will give you a head start in using our world-class technology. Interested in joining the pilot? Please contact Sorama for more details and opportunities.
